
I am not believed

There was an inquiry from a friend.

I was wondering if you can get your hands on the recently released "Nike Air Yeezy 2 Red October"

I checked it immediately.

I was surprised that I watched the price.


Is this person a big fan of this?

This product sold today.

Thank you.


I was hospitalized again.
I intended to be careful to a body this year
I'm sorry.

I bought a book of the English conversation.
However, it is very difficult.

A teacher is a fast talker very much.

I begin with English of a little smaller child.

My friend purchased this product.

I did not notice a mistake.
This item seems to have 2 kinds.


The product which Tomodachi purchased

In the town where I lived in, it snowed.
Snow seems to be piled up tonight.

Because it was too cold, I entered the kotatsu.
A kotatsu is a Japanese heater.

I use futon to the kotatsu and sleep.

My friend purchased this product.


Happy New Year

In the district where I live in, it snows every year.
However, there is very few it this year.

I went to the town for shopping.

There are various products to display in the entrance hall from old days in Japan.

I pay attention to Gundam this year.


Autumn Season

Autumn Season in Japan now… I love Autumn because the temperature is just right and food is awesome.

What is your favorite food during this season? I personally love Sanma with grated raddish

After Autumn, Christmas season which is gift giving to family and friends. If you happen to like anime or stuff toys just click on my page and I will be happy to assist you in anything you want specifically products from JAPAN.

Click here to see the products

Happy shopping!



Shibuya Crossing

This is a good place to see the bright lights of Tokyo and has been featured in countless movies, television shows and music videos. It is arguably the most famous spot in Japan. Make sure to check out the little statue of Hachiko located in the square. Hachiko was a dog in the 1920s who came to meet his owner every night at the station, his owner died but Hachiko continued to come each evening to wait for his return for over 10 years.US even made an English version of Hachiko the movie starring Richard Gere. In the evenings, you will see hundreds of people standing around Hachiko waiting for friends. The statue of Hachiko is the busiest meeting spot in all of Japan. To locate your friend you should ask if she/he is on which part of Hachiko(infront, tail, side). After taking some photos of the crossing (much more photogenic at night). Take a walk up Sentagai (the street the crossing leads in to). Shibuya is a good place for shopping, dinner and drinks.
Don’t forget to check the Shibuya109 if you’re into fashion. This mall provides wide variety of clothes for young generation and late young generation. It cover’s from young female and male. A lot of variety to choose from. Funky and colorful is the main dish of this fashion mall. You can find this right in front of Shibuya crossing. A place where you will get a hard time finding because it’s so famous. A lot event and famous people walk in here famous as Michael Jackson.
 Check out my  Online store
For an empty stomach you can't turn around without spotting a handful of restaurants here-- from 100 yen noodles to top notch gourmet food.
Midori Sushi
in the Shibuya Mark City building is a good balance between quality and price.You may have to wait in line unless you go just before meal times. The take-out is excellent if you are too hungry or impatient.
Kujiraya [13]
(http://www.kujiraya.co.jp)Dogenzaka 2-29-22(Bunkamura-dori, just past 109) The specialty here is whale meat dishes.
Don't forget to pick up a pro-whaling propaganda pamphlet on your way out.Kyotako (right next to Tokyu Hands) is a famous store for takoyaki octopus balls.

 Check out my  Online store

Dogenzaka 2-19-2, , closed Fridays and Thurs.
Founded in 1951, when the owner decided to serve the kind of curry he had enjoyed in Burma before World War II.

Tokyu Department Store (right on top of the train station)
has a superb food section in the basement with enough free samples to make a full lunch,if you don't mind not having a place to sit.
3-6 Maruyama-cho Shibuya-ku (halfway between Shibuya station and Inokashira Line's Shinsen station)Main restaurant 11:30 AM to 3:30 AM, sushi bar 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM to 2:00 AM. [14]. Trendy eatery specializing in soba,with a separate sushi bar in the back.

 Enjoy Life :)

Konbini (Convenience store)

7-11 is everywhere in Japan looking for it won’t be a wreck in the neck. According to Google Japan has a lot of 7-11 compared to other countries. 7-11 has everything you need from picture printing, bills payment, Credit card payment, FAX, document copy, concert tickets, magazine, instant food, snacks, and everything you need.
Click here for the Japanese 7-11 site
Below are the things you can transact or buy with 7-11
Nanaco -  Use this card in purchasing and accumulate points to buy products using points
ATM, Credit card – you can this cards in 7-11. want to withdraw for some cash? Deposit after work on the way home? 711 has it all hassle free.
They are now introducing a personalized 711 cash card. A card you can choose your own design and be personalized.
According to their site you can now transfer money through seven bank to western union but as of Sept 1 they stopped transferring money to certain counties. Reason? I don’t know.
Check out my Online store for Japanese products like
Cute Kigurumi
Fishing Reel
and many more
List of the things you can do in 7-11:
1. Copy
2. Fax
3. Digital camera printing
4. printing
5. Scan
6. print from the net
7. purchase of ticket concert
8. TOTO and BIG
9. Prepaid cards
10. postal service
11. stamps and post card
12. seven bank ATM
13. you can call 711 and have your meal delivered to your door
14. reservation of meal
15. DVD or games reservation
Lawson Convenience store
It’s basically the same with 7-11 they just differ in some of the promos. You can also find Lawson almost everywhere. As of now they have Aki (fall season) promo called rirakuma (literally relax bear)
If you can read Japanese try to check their promos here
Goodluck to your endeavors!
I hope this helps in surviving Japan 101 =)

enjoy life :)