
Shibuya Crossing

This is a good place to see the bright lights of Tokyo and has been featured in countless movies, television shows and music videos. It is arguably the most famous spot in Japan. Make sure to check out the little statue of Hachiko located in the square. Hachiko was a dog in the 1920s who came to meet his owner every night at the station, his owner died but Hachiko continued to come each evening to wait for his return for over 10 years.US even made an English version of Hachiko the movie starring Richard Gere. In the evenings, you will see hundreds of people standing around Hachiko waiting for friends. The statue of Hachiko is the busiest meeting spot in all of Japan. To locate your friend you should ask if she/he is on which part of Hachiko(infront, tail, side). After taking some photos of the crossing (much more photogenic at night). Take a walk up Sentagai (the street the crossing leads in to). Shibuya is a good place for shopping, dinner and drinks.
Don’t forget to check the Shibuya109 if you’re into fashion. This mall provides wide variety of clothes for young generation and late young generation. It cover’s from young female and male. A lot of variety to choose from. Funky and colorful is the main dish of this fashion mall. You can find this right in front of Shibuya crossing. A place where you will get a hard time finding because it’s so famous. A lot event and famous people walk in here famous as Michael Jackson.
 Check out my  Online store
For an empty stomach you can't turn around without spotting a handful of restaurants here-- from 100 yen noodles to top notch gourmet food.
Midori Sushi
in the Shibuya Mark City building is a good balance between quality and price.You may have to wait in line unless you go just before meal times. The take-out is excellent if you are too hungry or impatient.
Kujiraya [13]
(http://www.kujiraya.co.jp)Dogenzaka 2-29-22(Bunkamura-dori, just past 109) The specialty here is whale meat dishes.
Don't forget to pick up a pro-whaling propaganda pamphlet on your way out.Kyotako (right next to Tokyu Hands) is a famous store for takoyaki octopus balls.

 Check out my  Online store

Dogenzaka 2-19-2, , closed Fridays and Thurs.
Founded in 1951, when the owner decided to serve the kind of curry he had enjoyed in Burma before World War II.

Tokyu Department Store (right on top of the train station)
has a superb food section in the basement with enough free samples to make a full lunch,if you don't mind not having a place to sit.
3-6 Maruyama-cho Shibuya-ku (halfway between Shibuya station and Inokashira Line's Shinsen station)Main restaurant 11:30 AM to 3:30 AM, sushi bar 11:30 AM to 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM to 2:00 AM. [14]. Trendy eatery specializing in soba,with a separate sushi bar in the back.

 Enjoy Life :)

Konbini (Convenience store)

7-11 is everywhere in Japan looking for it won’t be a wreck in the neck. According to Google Japan has a lot of 7-11 compared to other countries. 7-11 has everything you need from picture printing, bills payment, Credit card payment, FAX, document copy, concert tickets, magazine, instant food, snacks, and everything you need.
Click here for the Japanese 7-11 site
Below are the things you can transact or buy with 7-11
Nanaco -  Use this card in purchasing and accumulate points to buy products using points
ATM, Credit card – you can this cards in 7-11. want to withdraw for some cash? Deposit after work on the way home? 711 has it all hassle free.
They are now introducing a personalized 711 cash card. A card you can choose your own design and be personalized.
According to their site you can now transfer money through seven bank to western union but as of Sept 1 they stopped transferring money to certain counties. Reason? I don’t know.
Check out my Online store for Japanese products like
Cute Kigurumi
Fishing Reel
and many more
List of the things you can do in 7-11:
1. Copy
2. Fax
3. Digital camera printing
4. printing
5. Scan
6. print from the net
7. purchase of ticket concert
8. TOTO and BIG
9. Prepaid cards
10. postal service
11. stamps and post card
12. seven bank ATM
13. you can call 711 and have your meal delivered to your door
14. reservation of meal
15. DVD or games reservation
Lawson Convenience store
It’s basically the same with 7-11 they just differ in some of the promos. You can also find Lawson almost everywhere. As of now they have Aki (fall season) promo called rirakuma (literally relax bear)
If you can read Japanese try to check their promos here
Goodluck to your endeavors!
I hope this helps in surviving Japan 101 =)

enjoy life :)

Japanese Decoden

"Decoden" [デコ電] (also spell as "Dekoden") which is short for "Decoration Denwa" - "Denwa" meaning "Phone."" basically designing the things like celphone,DS Nintendo,Mirror, and everything you want to imagine to decorate with bling blings and cute little jewels that you can find.
check out my Ebay store for more Japanese products
Mostly they do decoden in their celphones because it's easy to stick the bling blings and you can show it easily to your friends. There are a lot of decoration tools and parts available, or you can get a pre-decorated sheet, which you’d only need to seal on.

Enjoy Life :)

Gundam Proto Type

Gundam Proto-type toy a high quality product that will satisfy your love toys and robot. you can also buy it as a gift for your kids. a toy that will definitely make the kids happy
This Robot will save the whole universe and protect you from evil.buy it here


Anime Figurines

Are you a collector of anime figurines? a fan of manga? a cosplayer? I have an Online store where I sell good products of Japan.

Japan is well known in selling good quality products.

Here's on of my product
You buy it on my online store My Online Store

Also you will find these Gshock. Stylish and Chic
and this will go on any type of attire from business to a casual fashion
Buy it online Click here

Enjoy life :)


Taiko means "drum" in Japanese (etymologically "great" or "wide drum") Outside Japan, the word is often used to refer to any of the various Japanese drums (和太鼓, "wa-daiko", "Japanese drum", in Japanese) and to the relatively recent art-form of ensemble taiko drumming (sometimes called more specifically, "kumi-daiko" (組太鼓)). The performances can last between 5 and 25 minutes and typically follow a jo-ha-kyū (beginning, middle, end/rapid, sudden, urgent, and emergency) structure, which means the performance will speed up significantly towards the grand finale.
Check out my Online Store: http://kigurumi-japan.ocnk.biz/
Odaiko is the biggest drums of Taiko it has a supporting base that can be taller than you. big sticks to drum it harder. I can;t explain the feeling but it feels good to drum it and play it infront of many people. I hope I can still play it again. I miss you taiko!When I saw Taiko drums in my school it was love at first sight I want to get into the club and learn the basics of taiko and eventually participate in the school program. Why I love Taiko? I love the sound of it, I feel like I release my stress by tapping in this drums. I love waving of sounds towards me. being away from your love ones is stressful playing taiko was one of my distressing meduim.
Check out my Online Store: http://japansellertoys.ocnk.net/
If you happen to visit Japan and meet new friends ask them to teach you how to play taiko im sure you'll enjoy it

Onshi Ueno Doubutsu-en (Ueno zoo)

First built in 1882, this is Japan's first zoo. Its two main gardens host an exotic mix of more than 900 species of animals. The deaths of its two giant pandas—Tong Tong and Ling Ling—have left the zoo without a large tourist draw, but the tigers from Sumatra, gorillas from the lowland swamp areas of western Africa, and numerous monkeys, some from Japan, make a visit to the East Garden worthwhile. The West Garden is highlighted by rhinos, zebras, and hippopotamuses, and a children's area. The process of the zoo's expansion somehow left within its confines the 120-foot, five-story Kan-ei-ji Pagoda. Built in 1631 and rebuilt after a fire in 1639, the building offers traditional Japanese tea ceremony services.
Excotic animals that is well fed by the animal zoo keeper.
Address:9-83 Ueno Koen, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Telephone number:03/3828-5171
Entrance fee:Cost: ¥600, free on Mar. 20, Apr. 29, and Oct. 1
Schedule: Hours: Tues.-Sun. 9:30-4:00PM
You and your date will probably enjoy this zoo. you can talk about the animals or just relax while enjoying the park. a good place for kids to learn the importance of animals  in the world.
Do you like Animals? I suggest you visit this Zoo and
Check out my Online Store for cute Finds in a very low price but affordable prices : http://reel-daiwa-mitazoh-fishing.com/

Sumo Japan

Sumo's Asa shou Ryuu
Bought this souvenir in Tokyo's Sumo domeAsa sho Ryuu is my fave because he is so strong he can defeat anyone in seconds. Do you like Sumo wrestling? I love it because the game won't take that long I don't like games take long hours before it ends.
This is him^
you might think the above souvenir is big but it's not. the sad thing is I can't find this anymore. sad =(
Do you have favorite sumo wrestler? care to share?
check out my Online store for more Japanese Quality Products: http://reel-daiwa-mitazoh-fishing.com/



Have you ever felt oneday you feel exhausted even though all you did all through out the day was sit in front of the computer?
you feel empty eventhough you have all the information you need in the world wide web?
you feel like all your muscle joints is not sync with your body and feel the bodypain all through your body?
I don't wish to be like Asimo the robot by hand. maybe sometimes but not all the time! how can i make pleasure with my partner if I'm a robot? hahahha here's Asimo
You can check more toys in my Online Store http://japansellertoys.ocnk.net/

Enjoy life :)

Where to go on a Date?

Planning to go on a date? Special someone you want to bring in a special place? if you are in Tokyo Japan I would suggest you and your date go to Tokyo Tower
Tokyo tower have a splendid 360 degress overlooking of Tokyo. It has restaurant so not a problem if your stomach calls for a food. it also has souvenir shops that can make your visit memorable. buy souenirs then exchange with each others items so it will be memorable.
Tokyo has a lot to offer. your eyes will feast in so many cute things in Japan like the below picture
Kigurumi: Owl
If you want to purchase this go to my Online store: http://kigurumi-japan.ocnk.biz/
A romantic place to be. Where you can relax and talk about anything under the moonlight. know her more and win her heart with the help of Mr. Tokyo Tower.
Tokyo tower website http://www.tokyo-skytree.jp/ you can navigate this site in english
more info here

Japanese Bento Box

Want your kids eat their veggies during lunch time at school? try the Japanese way they might their meal if you use this technique. preparing a cute bento box for kids. cute bento box originated from moms having a hrad time feeding their children veggies and other halthy food that kids avoid to eat because of taste and texture. Nowadays, easy to create characters using veggies,meat and rice as a meduim in creating the masterpiece for their child;s bento box for school.
Check my Online store for Japanese cute Kigurumi: http://kigurumi-japan.ocnk.biz/

cut, punch and designing technique here and there will make your bento box complete. just be creative in combining colors and food. just make sure the utensils your using is safe and free of germs. after making a bento like the picture below I'm sure your kids will love his/her bento. Just be patient in creating bento everyday I know it a wreck in the neck but it will pay off if your child will eat it all. Good luck!


My Online Store

Nowadays, buying, ordering and processing online is just a push of button. everyone is very hyped in buying online, ordering online, processing the payment through online. who wouldn't be hyped? you don't have to go outside to buy something, don't need to line up in front of the billing department. just seat infront of your PC, laptop or cellphone and Voila! you ca do whatever you want.

I want to introduce few of my Online stores. I am selling mostly Japanese toys but I can find whatever products you want and I will find it for you.

For fishing products you may check this site
Mitazoh Fishing Products

For Gshock, Figurines...etc
Mitazoh Japanese Karate
For Toys and Kigurumi

Japanese Toys
Enjoy Life :)


Almost same like Okonomiyaki but the shape differs and the takoyaki has octopus in the center while okonomiyaki doesn't. They have the same toppings but they have different special space in my heart.
Takoyaki is one of my favorite food of Japan. you can also find this in other country. but nothing beats the authentic Japanese takoyaki. Tako mean octopus whi;le yaki means grill.
Takoyaki (たこ焼き or 蛸焼?) (literally fried or grilled octopus) is a popular ball-shaped Japanese dumpling or more like a savory pancake made of batter and cooked in a special takoyaki pan (see below). It is typically filled with diced or whole baby octopus, tempura scraps (tenkasu), pickled ginger, and green onion.
In modern days, it became common to be brushed with takoyaki sauce and mayonnaise, and topped with green laver (aonori) and katsuobushi (shavings of dried bonito). There are many variations to the takoyaki recipe. For example, ponzu i.e. soy sauce with dashi and citrus vinegar, goma-dare i.e. sesame-and-vinegar sauce or vinegared dashi.
You can find good products here: http://stores.ebay.com/mitazoh-Japanese-KARATE
It was first popularized in Osaka where a street vendor named Tomekichi Endo is credited with its invention in 1935 under the influence of Akashiyaki.[1] Takoyaki was initially popular in Kansai but later spread to Kanto and other areas. Today, it is popular in many areas throughout Japan. Takoyaki can be purchased in many street food stalls (yatai) but today there are many well-established takoyaki specialty restaurants/eateries that are very popular. Osaka or the Kansai area is particular famous for it. It may be often sold in many commercial outlets, e.g. supermarkets or 24-hours shops. In addition, frozen takoyakis are even exported to many overseas countries.

Enjoy Life :)


Are you a fan of Japanese Robot television show when you were a kid? Growing up I always watch this kind of show . I specially watch it with friends.

Who is your favorite?  Can you still remember?

Check out my site for more Power ranger character


Spinning Reel

Getting a good quality Reel is a must in fishing. specially if you love getting big fishes. A high quality reel you can count on.

Check this site for more infoemation:  http://reel-daiwa-mitazoh-fishing.com/


Fishing with Sharks

I bet you have seen this video on the internet. 2 people fishing in a fresh water when suddenly a shark came out and took their just caught fish. silly shark getting others fish. he is so selFISH :)

Are you a fishing fanatic? you might wanna check my online store for fishing.


Happy fishing!
Enjoy life :)


Kappa Hand Puppet flower

Puppet was long ago existed they loved by kids used by performers to entertain kids and kids at heart. I find this item suitable for those who wnat to entertain their kids or just a plain collection in your stuff.

"Kappa nose" is a family story of Kappa Kappa flower flowers are in bloom on the head. Until become adults, various flowers will bloom by the emotions of that time. "Kappa" Flower, boy hero so still children, flowers are blooming in your head anyway. Today what will it bloom? Popular picture books and on television! Kappa is the appearance of flowers stuffed puppet. I playing with cucumber flowers. 

Enjoy Life :) 

Racing Car

Paris–Rouen: the world's first motor race

On July 23, 1894, the Parisian magazine Le Petit Journal organized what is considered to be the world's first motoring competition from Paris to Rouen.One hundred two competitors paid the 10 franc entrance fee.

Formula racing

The best-known variety of single-seater racing, Formula One, involves an annual World Championship for drivers and constructors.

In single-seater (open-wheel) the wheels are not covered, and the cars often have aerofoil wings front and rear to produce downforce and enhance adhesion to the track. In Europe and Asia, open wheeled racing is commonly referred to as "Formula", with appropriate hierarchical suffixes. In North America, the "Formula" terminology is not followed (with the exception of F1). The sport is usually arranged to follow an "international" format (such as F1), a "regional" format (such as the Formula 3 Euro Series), or a "domestic", or country-specific format (such as the German Formula 3 championship, or the British Formula Ford). (excerpt from wikipedia)

These are the sample of Miniature Racing Cars

Enjoy Life :)

Vintage Car

I'm sure everyone loves Vintage Car. but it's not easy to purchase one.

I am offering my product from Japan. You can find my Ebay store here

If you are not a blue person then my Red Vintage car might work
 Purchase at my Ebay Store. For a much cheaper amount than the real thing.

Enjoy life :)


Hanabi (Fireworks Festival) is fireworks party is held throughout Japan in mid-August. In addition, there are also fun games like catching a goldfish using a thin paper plated wire and a lot of shops that sell a variety of foods such as candy apples, candy, and others.

A lot of young people dressup in yukata even the middle aged and men. you do a lot of things in here you will enjoy the Hanabi plus of course the food. it's nice to spend it with your friends, relatives or loved ones. the experience is so fantastic the lights are amazing. that is why until now the Japanese still enjoy the sumer because of Hanabi.

 In the vicinity of the place where the fireworks take place there are various entertainment kiosks that provide food, beverages, and games of the child.

 Going into place like this expect the parking to be crowded by car.
You might wanna check my Ebay store for miniature cars

Enjoy life :)

Summer in Japan

When you say Summer in Japan it means festivals, Beaches, food, travel and so many more. One the most awaited event during Summer or Natsu is the Tanabata wherein you will see this decoration around Japan.

Tanabata is celebrating in Japan for so many years. most of the people will wear a Yukata. Thinner version of Kimono. it has wide variety of color and accessories. from young ladies to young at heart women wear yukata during summer even men wear the yukata.

Obon (お盆?) or just Bon (盆?) is a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the spirits of one's ancestors. This Buddhist-Confucian custom has evolved into a family reunion holiday during which people return to ancestral family places and visit and clean their ancestors' graves, and when the spirits of ancestors are supposed to revisit the household altars. It has been celebrated in Japan for more than 500 years and traditionally includes a dance, known as Bon-Odori.

The festival of Obon lasts for three days; however its starting date varies within different regions of Japan. When the lunar calendar was changed to the Gregorian calendar at the beginning of the Meiji era, the localities in Japan reacted differently and this resulted in three different times of Obon. "Shichigatsu Bon" (Bon in July) is based on the solar calendar and is celebrated around 15 July in eastern Japan (Kantō region such as Tokyo, Yokohama and the Tohoku region), coinciding with Chūgen. "Hachigatsu Bon" (Bon in August) is based on the lunar calendar, is celebrated around the 15th of August and is the most commonly celebrated time. "Kyu Bon" (Old Bon) is celebrated on the 15th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, and so differs each year. "Kyu Bon" is celebrated in areas like the northern part of the Kantō region, Chūgoku region, Shikoku, and the Ryukyu Islands. These three days are not listed as public holidays but it is customary that people are given leave. (excerpt from Wikipedia)

A lot of things you can do during summer 
- You can wear slippers, sandal or even barefoot
-eat the kakigori
-jog around your place
-eat the apple coated with hard syrup
-eat the yakisoba in matsuri places
-cheap food that you can found in town during the matsuris
-cheap good finds at the department stores.
-Hanabi show (Fireworks)

Speaking of Summer you may find something here that might interest you. you can show it off with your friends.

Enjoy life :)

Cookie Monster of Sesame Street

Source: Google

As a kid I grew up watching Sesame Street. I love Cookies homemade by my mother that's why I also love Cookie monster because we both love cookies! he is blue got big eyes and when he eats! messy...just like the kids :) I love this show so I am passing this show to my kids.it teaches the kids good habits and make them laugh and most of all it keeps the kids busy so I can do household chores.

Thank you Sesame street.

Do you love Sesame street like I do?

you might wanna try this Cookie Monster costume

Enjoy Good Life :)


Pingu is a British-Swiss stop-motion claymated television series created by Otmar Gutmann. The series was produced by The Pygos Group and Trickfilmstudio for Swiss television, and centres on a family of anthropomorphic penguins living at the South Pole. The main character is the family's son and title character, Pingu.

Characters are:
Mother and Father

 You can check this site for more Characters in anime world and other items

Enjoy Good life

Fan of a Deathnote?

Death Note
(デスノート Desu Nōto?) is a Japanese manga created by writer Tsugumi Ohba and manga artist Takeshi Obata. The main character is Light Yagami, a high school student who discovers a supernatural notebook, the "Death Note", (Excerpt from Wikipedia )

Buy the Character Figurine here

Takashi Murakami Collection

These are the pictures of Takashi Murakami Adult itemes collaborating with Louis Vitton.
Source of the picture

Cute, comfortable and fashionable. every girls would love to have even one piece of this cute item.

if your into Takashi Murakami's Plush doll go to this site and you will find cute plush dolls

Cosplay Universe

Cosplay originally originated from Japan. Cosplay short for "Costume Play" a type of performance in Japan which participants wear their favorite manga characters. Unique and colorful costumes from anime. Sources came from Manga, Anime, Comic books and video games. An entity from the real or virtual world that lends itself to dramatic interpretation.

If you don't opt for a complicated costume like the picture above and below you might wanna try Kigurumi. a costume that you can wear anywhere and be hyped by everybody

Click here for more info

In cosplay gender is not an issue. female can cosplay a male character and male can do the same. the interesting you are the more attention you'll get. Cosplaying is more in creativity, fun , and witty in portraying a character.

Pikachu Kigurumi

Who wouldn't know Pikachu? Pikachu is one a character of Anime "Pokemon". The first pokemon Ash's obtain being a trainer. Pokemon has the power to electrify anything near him. like he did to ash when they first met. Pokemon did not get along with ash the first time but after one incident that Ash protected Pikachu from one of a pokemon attacker and he brought him to a pokemon center. from then on they are inseparable. Though Pikachu's power is limited he conquered many battle with ash.

You might try this costume to feel the power of Pikachu. The cuteness and power to wow everyone in 1!!!!

Click here to view the costume details