
Konbini (Convenience store)

7-11 is everywhere in Japan looking for it won’t be a wreck in the neck. According to Google Japan has a lot of 7-11 compared to other countries. 7-11 has everything you need from picture printing, bills payment, Credit card payment, FAX, document copy, concert tickets, magazine, instant food, snacks, and everything you need.
Click here for the Japanese 7-11 site
Below are the things you can transact or buy with 7-11
Nanaco -  Use this card in purchasing and accumulate points to buy products using points
ATM, Credit card – you can this cards in 7-11. want to withdraw for some cash? Deposit after work on the way home? 711 has it all hassle free.
They are now introducing a personalized 711 cash card. A card you can choose your own design and be personalized.
According to their site you can now transfer money through seven bank to western union but as of Sept 1 they stopped transferring money to certain counties. Reason? I don’t know.
Check out my Online store for Japanese products like
Cute Kigurumi
Fishing Reel
and many more
List of the things you can do in 7-11:
1. Copy
2. Fax
3. Digital camera printing
4. printing
5. Scan
6. print from the net
7. purchase of ticket concert
8. TOTO and BIG
9. Prepaid cards
10. postal service
11. stamps and post card
12. seven bank ATM
13. you can call 711 and have your meal delivered to your door
14. reservation of meal
15. DVD or games reservation
Lawson Convenience store
It’s basically the same with 7-11 they just differ in some of the promos. You can also find Lawson almost everywhere. As of now they have Aki (fall season) promo called rirakuma (literally relax bear)
If you can read Japanese try to check their promos here
Goodluck to your endeavors!
I hope this helps in surviving Japan 101 =)

enjoy life :)

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