

Taiko means "drum" in Japanese (etymologically "great" or "wide drum") Outside Japan, the word is often used to refer to any of the various Japanese drums (和太鼓, "wa-daiko", "Japanese drum", in Japanese) and to the relatively recent art-form of ensemble taiko drumming (sometimes called more specifically, "kumi-daiko" (組太鼓)). The performances can last between 5 and 25 minutes and typically follow a jo-ha-kyū (beginning, middle, end/rapid, sudden, urgent, and emergency) structure, which means the performance will speed up significantly towards the grand finale.
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Odaiko is the biggest drums of Taiko it has a supporting base that can be taller than you. big sticks to drum it harder. I can;t explain the feeling but it feels good to drum it and play it infront of many people. I hope I can still play it again. I miss you taiko!When I saw Taiko drums in my school it was love at first sight I want to get into the club and learn the basics of taiko and eventually participate in the school program. Why I love Taiko? I love the sound of it, I feel like I release my stress by tapping in this drums. I love waving of sounds towards me. being away from your love ones is stressful playing taiko was one of my distressing meduim.
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If you happen to visit Japan and meet new friends ask them to teach you how to play taiko im sure you'll enjoy it

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